Weaving the Wheel of The Year into everyday practice

Imbolc: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Harness Its Healing Power
As we follow the turning of the Wheel through the depths of winter we approach the threshold of Imbolc, the second winter sabbat on the Celtic Wheel of the Year celebrated on February 1st, 2024.
Imbolc holds profound significance for aligning with the natural seasons. Imbolc is the mark of midwinter, and the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Ostara, the first day of spring. Imbolc tradition begins the journey back to the light after the darkness of winter and highlights the power of liminal spaces where transition takes root.

New Year, New Me Vs Winter’s Slumber
As we enter a new year, the air is crisp, the sky dreary, and if you’re lucky, a blanket of snow covers the ground. Earth’s rhythms are inviting stillness, yet society’s current mantra of “New Year, New Me” is trying to beckon. Over the years, this new year frenzy has less and less appeal.